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Blue Mountain White Mountain
Community Planning 2
Community Planning 2
Course Description:

This is a practical course in Planning and Lands Administration (PLA). Whether you are an experienced Planning and Lands Administrator or new to the job, MTO has designed a 35 hour practical course to help you to become more confident in your role in Municipal Land Administration.

The course is delivered over 8 sessions using Zoom so the great thing is that you can do it from your own office. Each session is 3.5 hours.

Course Topics:

The course is a review of all the courses in our Planning and Lands program and will focus on the most important tasks you are required to carry out in your position. An interactive learning environment with other PLA’s will focus on the mechanics of land disposal, filing surveys, land applications, development permits, pricing land development projects, amendments to community plans and zoning by-laws and land file management systems.